CIG Membership
The Church Investors Group represents many mainstream Church denominations and organisations predominantly based in Britain and Ireland. There are 67 members including international partners with combined assets of over £26 billion.
CIG Members
- Anglican Financial Care / Te Maru Mihinare
- The Archbishops’ Council
- Archdiocese of Dublin
- Archdiocese of Liverpool
- Baptist Union of Great Britain
- The Barrow Cadbury Trust
- Bishop Radford Trust
- BlackRock Catholic Charities Growth and Income Fund
- BMS World Mission
- British and Foreign Bible Society
- Catholic Diocese of Nottingham
- Catholic Trust for England & Wales
- CBF Church of England Funds
- Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church
- The Church of England Pensions Board
- Church Commissioners for England
- Church of Norway
- The Church of Scotland Investors Trusts
- Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
- Clergy Support Trust
- Congregational Federation
- Congregation of Jesus Charitable Trust
- Council for World Mission
- Daughters of the Cross of Liège
- Diocese of Arundel and Brighton
- Diocese of Clifton
- Diocese of Hallam
- Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle
- Diocese of Lancaster
- Diocese of Northampton
- Diocese of Oslo
- Diocese of Plymouth
- Diocese of Salford
- Diocese of Shrewsbury
- Diocese of Westminster
- Église protestante unie de France
- The English Province of the Order of Preachers
- Evangelish-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern
- The Friends Provident Foundation
- Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- JACEI – Methodists in Wales
- Jesuits in Britain
- The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
- Karibu Foundation
- KNIF Trygghet
- The Lutheran Council of Great Britain
- Medical Mission Sisters
- Methodist Minsters’ Pension Trust
- OVF (The Norwegian Church Endowment Fund)
- The Representative Body of the Church of Ireland
- The Representative Body of the Church in Wales
- The Salvation Army
- The Scottish Episcopal Church
- Servite Friars
- Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea)
- St John’s College Trust Board
- Trustees of the Methodist Church in Ireland
- The Investment Advisory Board of the Methodist Church in New Zealand
- The United Reformed Church Ministers’ Pension Trust Ltd
- The United Reformed Church South West Synod
- The United Reformed Church Trust
- The United Reformed Church Wessex Synod
- Uniting Financial Services
- The William Leech Foundation
- Worth Abbey
International Partners