The Church Investors Group is a membership organisation representing the charitable and pension funds of denominations, dioceses, religious orders and Christian based charities. The CIG has 67 members, predominantly drawn from the UK and Ireland, with combined investment assets of over £26bn.
The CIG builds on an informal ecumenical ethical investment network that had existed since 1973.
How we work:
The CIG exists to promote ethical investment for the public benefit. Our objects are detailed fully in our Articles of Association. We work to achieve these in the following ways:
By encouraging the formulation of investment policies based on Christian ethical principles and to assist each other in putting such policies into practice.
The CIG helps members actively develop and maintain investment policies that represent their faith and wider responsible investment practice. We publish in-depth research on issues that matter. Previous topics have included executive remuneration and climate change.
By encouraging responsible business practices through engagement with company managements.
The CIG engages with business collectively with the goal of raising corporate standards. We have a track record of delivering change. Recent engagement activity is detailed in our news section and annual reviews.
By sharing information and views on ethical matters related to investment.
The group meets together each November for a two day conference as well as a one day member meeting in June. These gatherings allow members to both hear from expert speakers and build contacts with fellow church investors.
The CIG does not dictate policy to our members, nor do we make public statements that are attributable to them.
The Church Investors Group is a company registered in England and Wales with Company No. 11024016 and a charity registered in England and Wales with number 1179162. The CIG’s Articles of Association are here. The CIG Secretariat is provided by CCLA.